- Execution of the request of the investor (Flexible and clear)
- Execution of the request and hand over the region have been accepted
- Other OUTSIDE CONTRACTOR in the area of construction areas has been accepted will be warned and we have the support from investors to ensure hygiene and cleanliness are maintained regularly.
- Due to the complex construction work so the number of employees will be our different layout and the specific number will be monitoring our daily items list for the Peoject management.
- Rubbish sweeping and collectors items, reminders dangerous objects: nails, iron, fresh bottle
- Rubbing the floor (floor cleaning,stone polishing)
- Vacuuming
- Cleaning the glass
- Spot cleaning treatment of stains, smudges, dust ... on the wall, ceiling
- Clean the stairs floor and handrails
- Scrap out the paint stain
- Clean the lights, switches, fire protection equipment
- General cleaning of toilets and deodorizing air fresh
- Exterior cleaning
1. Vacuum procedure
2. Spot cleaning procedure on wall
3. Spot cleaning procedure on the floor
4. The process stains, smudges on widgets procedure
5. Glass cleaning procedure
6. The process of supplies of wood, iron, aluminum, stainless steel ... procedure
7. Process scrubber, polishing stone floors procedure.